Saturday, May 20, 2017

Snufmeg and the Year 1978

   The year 1978 marked the beginning of a phase of creativity for Snufmeg, and the Cheese Mites, in which the scope was to broaden considerably in setting the foundation for future endeavors. WK built upon the discoveries made in previous years, and Johnny B Dub established a presence by creating material which would define major aspects of the Snufmeg craft. Although known to one another, this period finds them converging from separate paths, pursuing a vision which became the bedrock of Snufmeg.
   While 1978 holds remarkable importance, there still is doubt regarding the creation date of some of the material. "Cartoon Music," a cassette single released by Williwill, in all likelihood was created prior to 1978, and certainly not later. This piece is a short study of sounds and motifs meant to accompany the visual representation of animated behavior. Culled from pre-existing sources, Williwill champions techniques and modes later crassly aped by others for the mere purpose of remunerative exploitation. However, as in all things Snufmeg, the framework for development transcends that of general commercial technique.
   Lesser known was the composition "Radio Noise," found on the WK "Rarities and Friends" compilation. It was mysteriously uncredited and undated, although some experts have concluded that it was an early electronic experiment by Johnny B Dub from around the 1978 era. It is a brief development of a chord from electronic generators, which turn wildly into a menage of atonality.
   In Snufmeg lore, if "Cartoon Music" is a pinnacle of 1978, it's sister peak is found in "Vomit Your Senses." Written in February of that year, "Vomit Your Senses" (also know simply as "VYS") takes the raw simplicity of a rock music motif and combines it with a lyrical exploration of decay and cultural crapulence. It quickly became a standard in the community, as an expression of frustration at the most primal level. The earliest recorded version of VYS was in the collection "Live from the Lyle Garage" by Sin. This recording reflects Sin in its most primitive condition, Johnny B Dub and JP, sharing duties on vocals and various guitars. Included alongside VYS are an unfortunately edited version of "Rock Slide," full length versions of "Please Wait," "Black Suger,"(sic) and the near-epic length "She's All Alone." With the exception of "Black Suger," all pieces from this collection have found comfortable inclusion as Snufmeg traditionals.
   There was no shortage of material from 1978 to be found in the classic "History of WK" compilation. In addition for the previously noted "Backwards Tape" and "Delay," the year found such gems as "Blues Progression," "Backwards Trumpet," "Psychedelic Song," and two different songs entitled "R&B/Hard Rock." Also from that year was "Backwards Bells," "Avant Garde Drum Solo," "Avant Garde Bells Solo," "Guitar Solo," "Avant Garde Drumming," and the "Backwards Bells Variations," all found on the WK compilation "Rarities and Friends." Other selections are found in various authorized compilations.
   The groundwork was being set. The two greatest members of the community, WK and Johnny B Dub, were preparing the creative paths which soon would find them in a collaboration spanning decades, musical styles, philosophies and disciplines - the Cheese Mites.


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