Monday, July 29, 2024

Comments from Phynqafis

    Although several posts are necessary to further explore and explain that which is Snufmeg, a recent discussion with Phynqafis, Himself, requires some attention. His overview of all matters Snufmeg is of the most curious and mysterious of phenomena, nonetheless occasional interchanges with his are enlightening.

   Most curious has been his comments upon the general reception of Snufmeg by the public at large. This covers productions as far from the core of the Sufmeg experience as the Raw Mommies to the inner core of Snufmeg, the Cheese Mites. How these comments in conversation came about was completely by chance. Excerpts follow:

   "The Spirit of Phynafis guides the body of work of all variants of Snufmeg. Can you give any further insight as to what that encompasses?"

   "The Spirit of which you speak can't directly be addressed, but, when examined in the various forms of worshipful expression, especially over time, the ideas become apparent."

   "You do understand how cryptic and possibly distancing such a sentiment can be, don't you?"

   "Well, of course! However, the Spirit is fully appreciated by dedication to the path of understanding. It has been made clear to me from many sources that when people come in contact with the expressions of Snufmeg, for example in the musical works of the Cheese Mites, people simply pass along and do not put the attention in to completely absorb the depth of the production. This is of considerable importance at any one point, and the fullness comes into view when done across all of the material."

   "Are you saying that any one piece of the greater body is as important as the entire body?"

   "In a way, yes! There are many who come to any aspect of Snufmeg and nibble, lack understanding, even intelligence, well, especially intelligence, and move along. Not only is it highly disrespectful, it is an eternal mark of stupidity and degradation to do so."

   "That could seem as an outlandish and arrogant statement to make."

   "Not at all. We have many who come, and spend a fraction of time, dismiss it. This is of no pain to us, mind you. It does, however, indicate incredible shallowness and, dare I say stupidity on the part of those who do so."

   "If I may, does that mean you are saying that a cursory dismissal of an surface esthetic is beyond a mere judgement call?"

   "Yes, exactly. We have people who out of hand dismiss. These are individuals who tread dearly in life of being considered beyond the outer limits of minimal value. By passing along, and not committing to investigation and acceptance, they have consigned themselves to a value of less than a virus or criminal."

   "That sounds harsh."

   "Not at all. If you take the time to give attention at all, you must dedicate to full attention, Only then can the full reward of the Spirit be granted. A chance perusal and subsequent dismissal essentially is a signature upon a warrant of terminal condemnation. I'm sorry, but that is the fact of the matter."

   "Couldn't the same be said for anyone else, though?"

   "Simply, no."

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